Rain Forests - Begin your Adventure in Amazon

Amazon Rain Forests - Let's Begin your Adventure

Something you should Know 

Amazons, the mysterious jungles is a place known to everyone as the most adventurous tourist spot in the world. When you're at this place, you just can't predict what may happen next. Everything here is like a riddle and sometimes you'll wonder how the hell you survived. Hold your breath and let's begin your journey of the most dense rain forests in the world.

Brief History

It is believed that these rain forests came into existence during the Eocene era which means these forests are already 55 million years old. Scientists and researchers have sufficient knowledge to prove that these forests experienced a lot of geographical changes over the last 21,000 Years. At first these rain forests were not wide-spread and covered a small area but with the passage of time, the climatic changes of the Atlantic Ocean and dust blown from Sahara Desert provided the most suitable environment for the Plant Growth. 

These rain forests cover most of the amazon basin and the basin is drained by the largest and the second longest river in the world, the Amazon River. And now these rain forests are home to a wide variety of animal Please Follow my Facebook Page :Please follow my Facebook Page :https://www.facebook.com/puneetanand068/species and some of the most dangerous predators in the world.


As stated above, these rain forests are home to a wide variety of animal species. These rain forests provide shelter to some of the largest livings plants and predators in the world. Counting the number of plant and animal species is mind-boggling because every animal you think of can be found here. But according to the stats, almost 3 million insect species, thousands of plants and above 2,000 birds and mammals can be found here.

At least 40,000 plant species, 430 mammals, 380 reptiles and 429 amphibians have been found in the region. Scientists believe that there are still a large number of plant and animal species yet to be found. Amazon rain forests are quite famous not only for their beauty but because of the threats that live here.

Amazon Forests are home to the world's largest snakes, the Green Anacondas. We will talk about it later some other time but there are other creatures too which are feared by the local population. Some of the dangerous ones include Black Caiman, Cougar and Jaguar. The river itself provide shelter to electric eel and the monstrous fish, Piranha. Electric eel can kill a human and there are various incidents where shoal, group of piranhas, injured local residents. Vampire bats are also found in the rain forests and are responsible for spreading rabies virus. In the upcoming posts, we will talk about each and every major species in detail.


Every single one of us knows about deforestation, a practice of removing forest area for residence or building purposes. Amazon rain forests suffer deforestation on a large scale causing huge environmental damage. Soil here is productive for a short period of time and therefore farmers clear more and more land for agriculture and residence.

However, measures are being taken by the local governments to preserve the most resourceful rain forests in the world. In the past years, environmental damage has been reduced and no harm to wildlife has been caused. 

Climatic Conditions and Resources

The temperatures in Amazon rain forests vary depending on the different parts of the forest. At some places, the temperatures are above 91 degree F and at some it may drop to as low as 71 degrees F. Mostly the climate is hot and humid. These rain forests experience a lot of rainfall in the first half of the year and the rate gradually decreases towards the end.

As a large amount of different plant species are found here, Amazon rain forests provide cure for some of the worst diseases in the world. Fallen trees in the forest provide wood for construction purposes. Some of the trees here are also a good and efficient source of Rubber.


I hope this knowledge was sufficient for the beginning of the adventure, a very interesting and blissful adventure. There are a lot of things, lot of animals and a lot of plants living in the rain forests about which you need to know in detail. So stay tuned and keep visiting my Page.

Thank you.


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